
Office Address

123/A, Miranda City Likaoli Prikano, Dope

Phone Number

+0989 7876 9865 9
+(090) 8765 86543 85

Email Address

Welcome to the Undergraduate Program of Psychology 

The Psychology Study Program S1, was established in 1993 with registered status based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No: 457/DIKTI/Kep/1993 dated July 23, 1993. Since 2010, the Psychology Study Program has received A accreditation from BAN PT for the fifth time with the Decree of BAN PT Number: 116/SK/BAN-PT/AkPPJ/s/I/2021 valid until December 30, 2025.


To become a study program that produces graduates who excel in community-based psychology, have a sociopreneurial character, are adaptive to technological developments and are active in the international arena by 2029.


  • Organizing quality learning to produce graduates who excel in community-based psychology knowledge, have sociopreneurial character, and are adaptive to technological developments.

  • Conducting research in the field of community psychology and sociopreneurship.

  • Implementing and developing community service in the field of community psychology and sociopreneurship and its application.


Profile of graduates of the Psychology Study Program at the undergraduate level with a Bachelor of Psychology (S.Psi) degree working as:
Assistant Psychologist
Staff or Manager in the Field of Human Resources,
Consultant Staff in the Field of Psychology,
Community Development Designer and Facilitator,
Research Assistant,


Since its establishment until now, the Psychology Undergraduate Study Program has received an A accreditation rating from the national accreditation institution, Indonesia.